As I travel around the communities I work in, I notice a lot of homeowners neglecting wood repairs and painting issues for their homes, sometimes the neglect spans 2 – 3 years or longer. I would love to do a full exterior paint job with carpentry repairs, however, sometimes we have to fit inside our customers’ budget. Therefore, about 15 jobs per month are smaller than $1,000 and only address carpentry repairs and touch up painting because the homeowner can’t afford more than that. Unfortunately by not addressing the whole house, but only a portion, the homeowner will end up needing additional painting services sooner, and in the long run, end up spending more.
Some of the areas I see that need the most attention are the chimney, door casings, siding issues, and the face board around the roof line. One reason neglecting regular painting maintenance and repairs leads to wood-rot is a caulk failure due to it aging and becoming brittle. This allows water and moisture to seep in behind the wood. I encourage all home owners to address the carpentry needs on their home immediately otherwise a few more serious issues may occur, such as: termite or carpenter ant infestation, and internal damage to home’s ceilings and walls.
When you decide to have work done on the exterior of your home, ensure that the individuals doing the work prepare your house properly. This includes mildew bath and pressure wash, sanding all peeling surfaces, priming exposed wood and then using a 60-year rated caulk to seal cracks and joints. Some of the leading paint manufacturers include Sherwin Williams (Duration paint), Behr (Premium Plus Ultra), and Pittsburgh (Timeless). Most paint jobs will look good even with a builders-grade paint on the house, however, will not last as long or protect your biggest investment: your home. I encourage homeowners to spend a little more upfront for a quality paint job and paint materials, rather than spending more later due to poor workmanship and lower-grade paint products.
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